Introducing Stone Fruit Studios

I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Stone Fruit Studios! Inspired by my journey in tech and women’s advocacy, my game studio is dedicated to creating games specifically for women.

Our talented team just launched an early demo of our first game which will feature a woman who is learning magic. Check out the video below to see a first sneak peek.

If you’re excited by our vision, follow us on Instagram at @stonefruitgames as we embark on this exciting journey!

Leaving the Honnold Foundation

After seven years with the Honnold Foundation and after much deliberation, in late 2021 I left my role as a Member of the Board. Upon my departure in my resignation letter, I urged the Board to do the following:

  • Recruit and onboard at least one person (ideally, at least two people) from the Black community to the Board in the next year.

  • On the inaugural Leadership Committee, have a group that is composed of at least 40% people of color and 50% women.

  • Host at least one mandatory Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training annually for board members and leaders.

With the bullet points above, I hope that with me leaving my role as a Member of the Board, space in the leadership ranks will open up for folks who come from typically oppressed communities. The reason why this matters is because it is critical for individuals from marginalized communities to be included in strategic decision-making at organizations. This is particularly important for groups that have a focus on climate change issues, which are fundamentally intertwined with justice and equity.  More specifically, a lack of representation in leadership can act as a disservice to the mission of the Honnold Foundation which is to promote “solar energy initiatives for a more equitable world.” Improving representation in leadership is the best plan of action for the Honnold Foundation, as well as the broader ongoing fight against climate change. 

With that said, I know, given the grit and determination of the foundation, that the group can achieve and exceed the bullet points I laid out above. Furthermore, I have even more hope for the group's success with Peter Martin as the Board Chair, Emily Teitsworth as the Executive Director, and Alex Honnold, the founder of the organization. They’re all inspiring leaders and I know the future of the Foundation is bright with them at the helm. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be involved with this ambitious group focused on solar energy projects for the past seven years. And I look forward to being on the sidelines, rooting them on and seeing what is to come!

Podcast Interview with Dee Perkins

Before working at Tesla, before Bay Area tech, and before my career in clean energy, I went to school at the State University of New York at Oswego. Oswego was where my friends and I would regularly brave several feet of lake-effect snow just to get to our classes. It was where I would stay up until 3 AM wearing comfy pajamas in the Riggs dorm study lounge learning about meteorology, climate change, and sustainability. It was where professors gave me the opportunity to research a wind power project on campus. And it was where mentors and friends helped set me on a path that would get me to where I am today. About a month ago, Dee Perkins, a fellow Oswego alumna, interviewed me and we talked about that path that I have been on since I graduated from Oswego.

In our discussion, we cover topics from climate change to clean tech to what it's like to be a woman in STEM fields. Check it out and let me know what you think!

I also highly recommend checking out the other podcasts Dee has put together (especially Tamar Greene's interview where he talks about his experience in the Broadway musical Hamilton!) Dee is such an awesome podcast host and I'm super grateful for her sharing her time and talent with the Oswego community.